Why and how to teach the piano to children?

Why and how to teach the piano to children?
Why and how to teach the piano to children?

Giving your child beginner piano lessons is probably the best educational and training investment you can make. Learning to play the piano has several advantages, in fact. We explain them below, given their importance in facilitating the learner’s future sociability.

Through the music lessons for children, your child will learn to be more attentive, intellectually lively, more persevering, sociable, creative, sensitive, and curious.

These qualities are all the more numerous the sooner the child begins to study the piano. In fact, if the little one learns to read a score before learning to read a book at school, he will certainly have a not indifferent edge over his classmates who do not know music.

To study the piano as a beginner, regardless of specific ambition – to have fun and feel pleasure or become a professional pianist – the piano must still be a source of joy and entertainment, for the investment to bear fruit.

Motivation, will, rigor and perseverance are needed

The magic of the pivotal instrument of the famous composer Chopin and of music in general are ensured by the interaction between these four parameters.

Jazz piano, classic piano, light music, rock, tango… the different styles then dictate the different types of piano lessons.

The educational offer is vast, if you want your child to learn to play the piano. They range from lessons at the conservatory, to private lessons at home or online. In the age of the Internet, the watchword is “tutorial”, which often means free lessons to learn how to play the piano.

Choose the method and style that best suits your child and find the piano lessons that suit them!

Why are piano lessons good for children?

Teaching your child to play the piano comes with a whole host of positive externalities. Several positive effects come from such an experience. They will facilitate the boy’s social life. It takes stock of the major benefits, for children, of studying the piano:

Learning to play the piano, a prestigious instrument, is a socialization factor:

Going to school, therefore also to music school, is a way to explore a social universe other than the restricted one of the family.

Growing up, the young man will be able to continue playing with friends and colleagues from the conservatory, in a band or orchestra.

In particular, a privileged exchange relationship will be established with the teacher. If the child studies music before going to first grade, the meeting with the music teacher will be his first meeting with an adult outside the family.

The piano stimulates the child’s cognitive and scholastic faculties

A scientific study conducted by Rasher and Shaw has shown that the practice of the digital piano in children facilitates the development of space-time attitudes.

Hearing and motor skills in musicians are mostly developed. Listening forges the musical ear and the coordination of organs required by piano practice improves the way of moving in space.

A budding pianist will therefore have better academic results than other children: the music lessons will accustom the child to the teacher-student relationship, to discipline and learning, as well as to work and effort.

Learning to sulfate and play the piano, with its 88 keys, plays a key role in brain development: the brain becomes poly valent, more inclined to internalize different languages, to read notes quickly.

In short, it makes learning other tools and understanding in general easy. Learning to play the piano has a significant impact on cognitive dispositions.

In addition to the child’s cognitive faculties and social skills, playing a musical instrument has several positive effects:

  • The piano is a powerful anti-stress: playing, the child rejoices, feels satisfied.
  • The piano gives self-confidence (especially when you are able to perform an entire piece well for the first time).
  • The piano fosters team spirit, listening, sharing: all key values for social life.
  • The plane acts on sensitivity: it makes the brain more creative and more expressive.

Enrolling your child in a beginner piano course is fine. But from what age?

At what age can you start studying the piano?

We often hear that there is no age to learn to play the piano, you can learn it all your life. But before the age of three, the baby will certainly not be able to follow frontal music lessons.

These will be the lessons of musical awakening that will make the child discover the musical universe: rhythm, sounds, pleasure, play, use of the ear.

From the pleasure experienced in these circumstances, the future interest in the practice of a musical instrument could then arise.

To encourage the little one, it will be necessary to compliment him often during the discoveries. It may help to find a teacher who specializes in these early stages of life, to make him discover music.

At the age of 7, the child will have his maximum neuronal plasticity: his brain will be a sponge and he will rapidly integrate new things, better than an adult.

Encourage him to take piano lessons even before first grade.

It will be around 6-7 years of age that  lessons can then really take place within a piano course, of course.

Make it clear to your child that the piano is a very complete instrument, which allows you to study and perform any type and genre of song and style. In addition, it is the only instrument that can perform melody and accompaniment making the pianist independent, unlike his fellow guitarists …

Even the adult can easily discover the piano. In a different way, of course, since his muscles are already developed.

The adult has a greater musical culture on his side, as well as an independent budget to manage as he prefers, to pay for piano lessons.

Learning to play the piano from scratch in adulthood, for example starting at 40 or 50, could delay the onset of any cognitive pathologies such as Alzheimer’s: the brain is a muscle, if trained well it will be more informed. A senior can learn to play the piano.