Creative Instagram Post Ideas To Inspire

Instagram is one of the gigantic social media platforms in the world. India is the leading country with the most Instagram users. Around 180 million Indians use Instagram. There are lots of simple and business accounts on Instagram. They post everyday images and many more.

Business accounts earn money in different ways by growing constantly and making followers on Instagram. They post around 4 to 5 posts in a week. But it is not certainly easy to come up with new ideas every time while posting images, videos, and doing live shows on Instagram. You man look here to get Instagram post designer. I hope you also want to grow on Instagram. So, in this article, I’ll discuss some creative post ideas you can take help from.

# Use A Creative Instagram Feed Theme

There are a lot of Instagram feed themes you can stick to. You give your audience a sense of what is coming next by sticking to a particular Instagram feed theme. Some examples of creative themes are a vintage theme, minimalist theme, dark theme, black and white theme, illustration theme, and more. You have to find out the theme that aligns with your core values and vision. It will help you to make impression on the platform.

# Post Behind The Scenes

Try to make your posts genuine to connect with your followers. We usually post using colorful filters, editing apps, and aesthetic designs. You can show your followers what goes on behind the scenes. Make sure that your posts are genuine and transparent. Try to be fun, authentic, and friendly. Your followers will engross more with your content.

# Ask Questions

Asking questions is a fun way to engage your audience. You and your followers can get out of the same routine. But make sure the questions are related to your content. Most of your followers will love to share their opinion. The answers will give you valuable insight into your followers. You can even get some creative ideas to make your future content. To maximize engagement, stick to simple questions.

# Post Tutorials

Posting tutorial is one of the most creative ideas for Instagram engagement. How-tos videos provide real value to your followers. If your niche is health, lifestyle, or food, the opportunities are endless. You can post videos providing useful tips and written instructions.

# Conduct an AMA

Sometimes you can post AMA( Ask me anything) sessions. It engages your followers directly. Make it fun and allow your audience to ask questions they want. After that, gather all the questions and announce a date. Create a separate video answering the questions of your followers.

# Host A Contest or Giveaway

Contests and giveaways are popular on Instagram. You can build up new followers and put your products in front of new customers. Include the giveaway at the top of your post. Try to provide relevant prizes to your followers. New followers will follow your Instagram account if you post giveaways once in a while.

# Collaborate With An Influencer

You can grow attention to your brand by enlisting an influencer. You can work together with an influencer whose brand is related to yours. Thus, you can get exposure and a great way of social proof. But first, calculate your marketing budget. You can consider micro-influencers and nano-influencers to work with. They will collaborate with you to create authentic engagement.

# Spotlight Your Team Members

If you work as a team, you can post showing gratitude and appreciation. Share selfies, pictures, or short videos of your team members. This goes well on Instagram. You can also post images with them on their birthdays. This will make a good impression on the minds of your followers.

# Post Before and After Videos

Before and after videos have been wildly popular on every social media platform. You can post pictures of your transformation, success stories using before and after features. Think about the value you provide to your followers. Then post accordingly.

# Poll Your Audience

Polls are also engaging. You can gather valuable information about the types of Instagram content and new features your customers would like to see in your upcoming content.

# Go Live Often

The most authentic way of connecting with your followers is going live. You can answer questions of your followers, promote a new or upcoming product or show the goings-on behind the scenes. You can also post the same live video on stories once it is over. This will act as additional content and social proof. Announce the date of your live stream 1 or 2 days before and choose a quiet location for your live stream.

# Use Carousels

You can post content on Instagram using different carousels. Carousels are very popular on Instagram. It will help you to attract the attention of your followers. Mixed carousels(Images+videos) generate the highest engagement rate per post on Instagram. Choose the right carousel and show multiple ways of using a single product.

# Add Stickers To Your Posts

You can add stickers and collages to your feed posts to make them unique. It works well for your brand that is visually colourful, fun, and aesthetic. Make sure that the stickers you use don’t overwhelm the photo and they are just enough to catch your attention. Stickers and overlays are trending on Instagram. You can play around with them to make your post stand out on the platform.

# Post Inspirational Quotes

You can post some inspirational quotes that inspire you with your Instagram followers. This quote can be of a famous writer, philosopher, or entrepreneur. Always try to include the quotes in the picture itself, not in the caption area. This helps people to share your post.

# Embrace A Trend

People love to consume trending materials on social platforms. Post contents embracing a new trend on Instagram. This will help you to attract your followers.

# Make Contents On Festivals

There are thousands of festivals in India. Make videos and post pictures on your Instagram feed in festivals to connect with your followers. They will engage more after getting festival vibes from your posts.

# Take Help From Instagram Post Designers

There are a lot of Instagram designers available in the market. They will help you to make creative, beautiful, and customizable Instagram posts that will attract the attention of your followers quickly. But make sure that they are budget-friendly as you have to pay them for every post.


In short, Instagram provides access to massive amounts of potential customers. Do some research about your followers and follow the creative ideas to post content.