Best 10 Gifts for Home Cooks in 2021

Best 10 Gifts for Home Cooks in 2021
Best 10 Gifts for Home Cooks in 2021

Since we spend more time in the house, cooking homemade meals are becoming more and more popular. What is more, it allows us to try things we wouldn’t before.

Choosing the right present can be stressful, but thanks to modern design and innovations, there are very unique and creative presents on the market.

If you are invited to a dinner party or just want to surprise a home cook with a nice kitchen appliance, read this article and find some of the best gifts this year!

Best 10 Gifts for Home Cooks in 2021-

Serving Board

Serving board is one of the most popular items in a later time and it can be a very decorating piece for appetizers. You can choose from different types of wood and materials, going from light to dark colour and different sizes, from bigger to small ones. Also, there are plenty of shapes and sizes that are available and you can adjust it to their needs. You can choose just a cheese board or a decorative one, so be sure that it can`t be used for cutting. Choose a quality cheese and combine it with the board to complement the presentation.

Pan Stirrer With Timer

Cooking is great multitasking, so additional help is always helpful. Sometimes, you can’t count on the other person to stir the dish continuously, so a pan stirrer is an ideal help on any occasion. This helpful device stirs the dish and keeps the bottom from burning. Also, there is a timer on the top which will notify you when you set it. This is a better solution than only a cooking alarm since it does two things simultaneously. It is very lightweight and easy to use and clean, and they can easily bring it with them. What is best, this will save you a lot of energy and save you from pain in the arm from long stirring.

Taco Holders

Tacos are very popular food lately, but they can be tricky for serving, especially if you have a lot of ingredients that need to be held together. The best present for Mexican dinner night is creative taco holders. You can play safe and choose classic holders for more tacos, but there are so many different ones on the market, that you can find the ideal for every person. Some are shaped like animals, some like food, but they will always be creative and funny presents that will be used on many occasions. Try to make them funny and find the one that will completely match their personality or preferences!

Corn Stripper

Peeling corn can be very difficult and requires creative solutions. To ease preparation for your amateur cook, try to pick some practical gift and a corn stripper is ideal because it is sharp enough to clean all kernels from the cob and make the process tidy. This is a very cheap present, so rather accomplish it with other smaller appliances. Since there are many models on the market, you could choose the right colour and shape. Corn stripper will be used in many situations, for fresh and cooked corn, and for making salads or delicious soups.

Cookbook Stand

Even though mobile cooking apps are getting more popular each year, there are still people who enjoy cooking from cookbooks. Some recipes are very old and can be only found in older cookbooks or written notes, so a cookbook stand is an ideal help for tracking the recipe. Like any other thing, this comes in many types and colours and with beautiful ornaments, so you can easily find the right model or colour for any type of person. What is more, it uses a really small amount of space, and even when isn’t used, it can be a beautiful ornament.

Mortar And Pestle

Most of the spices indeed come ready to use, but it can lose aroma quickly. So, mortar and pestle are an ideal gift for amateur cooks who like to play with flavours and mince their spices and combination of it. Also, this can be very useful for making marinades and sauces. Choose the quality model, made of heavy stone or chrome which will last for years and look like an ornament in the kitchen. It should be heavy to ease crushing some harder ingredients. Complete it with some spices and challenge them to try something new.

Spoon Rest

Even though every cook, professional or amateur, usually has spoon rest as a crucial part of the kitchen, you can still surprise them with a unique and creative solution. There are some basic models different in colours and motives which can be great ornaments even when they don’t use them. Also, modern versions are even more creative and in different shapes, so be innovative and change their everyday routine and appliances. Be sure that it is made of temperature resistant material and ready to use near hot surfaces. You can even match it with cup holders or coasters. Be brave and choose a bold colour, like bright green or royal blue which will blend into any style and make such a useful appliance a statement ornament.

Unique Cookbook

While there are many cookbooks and recipes from famous chefs on the market, try to be original and choose unique cookbooks based on home cook’s preferences or surprise them with something completely new. This can be a great inspiration for future dinners and teach them new techniques. Some ideas are vegetarian or vegan cookbooks, meals from different cuisines or even cookbooks of ancient recipes. You can even find cookbooks with recipes from movies, so this is an ideal present for food and movie lovers. Choose the fun and appropriate and don’t forget to write a note on the first page to make it a long-lasting memory.

Fondue Set

Fondue set is very popular in many cultures because it is the main event every evening. You can use it for many different ingredients and occasions. For an appetizer, you can melt the cheese and use breadsticks to collect it with. For dessert, you can melt chocolate and combine it with fruits or sponge cake cubes. This is a fun appliance because everyone has multiple choices and you can prepare everything in front of your guests. Also, this gathers people and makes every dinner fun and creative. There are two main types, metal, and ceramic fondue set, so you can choose the most fitting easier.

Cartoon Waffle Maker

If you want to buy a unique present, try with a creative and unique waffle maker. Try to pick a long-lasting and quality model that is easy to use and maintain. It is ideal if you choose one easy to clean and made of non-stick material on the surface. There are many different models on the market, appropriate for every personality type or occasion. Modern waffle makers are usually electronic, so before choosing the one, read all their functions. If you`re indecisive, you can make it fun and make their breakfast the most expected moment of the day. For some ideas, check these Marvel superheroes waffle makers.