Which NodeJS Frameworks Can Level Up Your Web Development?

Which NodeJS Frameworks Can Level Up Your Web Development?

Web application development in recent years has become the talk of the town!

Every other individual or business is attempting to either have a new and tremendous application of their own or merely updating and improving their existing one in order to overpower their competitors.

And one thing that has boomed this desire is the use of NodeJS, an open-source JavaScript runtime environment. The product owners worldwide are always looking to hire Node JS developer proficient enough to take their goal of application development to new heights.

Supporting the NodeJS development, there are many advanced NodeJs frameworks famous for their flexibility and capability to create scalable server-side applications.

But the fact that now comes up is, while there are so many available, who can actually leverage your business!

Clearing out the same, every NodeJS framework is useful in its own ways. However, some still seem to steal more attention and preference for their matchless benefits.

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Let’s take a look at some major NodeJS frameworks that have been leading the choice of developers globally.


Developed by Eran Hammer, Hapi.js is a robust open-source framework ideal for building JSON API. API (Application Programming Interface), servers, websites, and HTTP proxy applications are all developed with the help of hapi.js. The list of some of its specialities include input validation, implement caching, configuration-based functionality, error handling, logging, a plugin system, reusability of codes, no external dependencies, advanced security, integrated Architecture, and a lot more.


Express.js is a flexible and minimal framework for Node.js created by TJ Holowaychuk. It has been designed keeping in mind the development of single-page, multi-page, and hybrid applications for a powerful set of different features.

The freedom of Express.js with a fast setup and JavaScript environment of NodeJS makes it a good option for agile development along with rapid prototyping. It also has the advantage of constant updates and improvements to all the core features.


Koa.js is a cross-platform server-side runtime environment application that is created and backed by the developers of Express.js. It is an object with a variety of middleware functions. They are composed and executed in a stacked manner upon request, which makes fast and scalable network applications development with JavaScript easier. This further results in interoperability and robustness.


Sails.js is an MVC (Model–View–Controller) framework developed atop Node.js. It works and performs on the principle of “convention over configuration.

It extensively uses code generators for building applications with minimal coding. Sails.js is developed on top of a JavaScript library called Socket.io, which helps in the addition of real-time, bidirectional, event-based communication to applications.


Meteor.js, an open-source JavaScript web framework, is based on Node.js. NodeJS applications can be built using Meteor.js with support from any frontend framework like Angular, React Native, etc.

You can also use Blaze, Meteor.js front-end framework. It uses MongoDB as the default database. The zero-configuration build tools it has offer code splitting and dynamic imports.

Some of its valuable characteristics include a fast performance with real-time features, integrated front-end with back-end methods defining server-side functionality on the server, accounts and user authentication, etc. You can hire NodeJS developers who can bring Meteor.js to the best of use for you.


Derby.js, an open-source full-stack framework, is known for being an ideal option for creating modern and real-time web apps and is compatible with any database. It makes use of PubSub.

The NPM can be used to include features and functionality to your project. It enables its users to develop realtime web-apps inculcated with fast loading, flexibility, and extensibility. While the templates can be made available in the browser and on the server, Derby.js renders using fast native DOM methods in the browser. It further provides real-time collaboration, server rendering, and components and data binding.


Total.js is considered as a modular and modern Node.js framework with the MVC architecture. It offers complete compatibility with client-side frameworks, including Angular.js, Polymer, Backbone.js, Bootstrap, etc.

Total.js being immensely extensible and asynchronous, makes up for excellent performance along with stability. The key features of Total.js are inclusive of embedded NoSql, support for the array, other prototypes, bug fixing, RESTful routing, video streaming, themes, workers, sitemap, WebSocket, models, modules, packages, and isomorphic code, localization with diff tool and CSV export and restrictions and redirections.


Adonis.js is a node.js web framework having a hardcore MVC structure as a design pattern. It is where it breaks certain functionalities into multiple sections of the app. Adonis.js makes use of the edge template engine and has its own CLI (Command Line Interface). It is relatively easy to learn and work with if you are familiar with Laravel. The use of validators is made to check the flow of data into the controllers.


This progressive Node.js framework we know as Nest.js is perfect for developing efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications. You can create modular and maintainable applications.

Its MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern allows it to offer extensibility. What makes it even more remarkable is its support for TypeScript, letting you access optional static type-checking.

You can use any other library and experience an adaptable ecosystem.

Final Remark

Working with new NodeJS Frameworks, every time is a whole level of effort. And Working with the Node.js frameworks is undoubtedly one of the best things you can do to benefit your project.

So, all in all, it’s a win-win situation of efforts, excitement, and experiences. Just make sure to hire NodeJS programmer with a good hand at the whichever framework you plan to choose.

Done with all of this, you have a long way ahead with NodeJS. It would bring your aspirations of an application to reality!