Golden rules for haircare – how to take care of your hair at home?

Golden rules for haircare
Golden Rules for Haircare

The COVID-19 pandemic has come down on everyone from all angles. Not only is backaches and headaches a regular affair due to the work-from-home situation, but pandemic hair fall is also real. With the salons still not functioning to their full capacity and people too scared to step out of their house (or even ask their hairdressers to come home), the only option is to learn how to take care of hair at home. 

First and foremost, you need to provide proper nourishment to your scalp and hair. In addition to the right hair care routine, you also need to maintain a healthy diet, drink lots of water and sleep properly. 

Once you have that nailed, move on to the following recommendations from Dr. Sravya Chowdhary Tipirneni, Cosmetologist and Dermatologist at Columbia Asia Hospital, and other hair care experts in the industry. 

  • Wash your hair regularly and double cleanse your scalp

To maintain the health of your scalp, you need to double cleanse so that all the grime and dirt is off your scalp and your hair can grow properly. The first wash can be done gently to wash your overall hair and the second wash should be targeted at your scalp. 

  • Oils

You can apply Indian Ayurvedic hair oilor whichever oil you prefer to the scalp and hair. However, the type of oil that you use would depend on the nature of your scalp and hair type. If you are confused, it would be best to go for Ayurvedic hair oils or other natural hair oils. You can apply oil half an hour before taking a shower or as a pre-shampoo routine. Make sure to gently massage when you’re applying oil as this will help to increase the circulation of blood. Also, it will relax your muscles and nourish your hair. You should avoid using mineral oil on your hair and can choose from almond oil, castor oil, olive oil, or jasmine oil. 

  • Chemical-free shampoos

The environmental factors that damage your hair can rarely be controlled, but you can control the shampoo that you are using. Make sure that your shampoo is a chemical-free one. It is best if you opt for gentle and mild shampoos for your hair. 

Parabens and sulfates are generally used for lathering, but they might cause skin irritation and even enhance hormonal disruptions. 

  • Hydration and nourishment 

You need to find the time to schedule intense hair masks at least twice a week. This will help your hair to get back the shiny look and feel. Since you cannot meet your hairdresser, you can try DIY homemade hair masks. 

For extremely dry hair, you can create a hair mask mixing 2tbsp of coconut hair oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, and olive oil. Warm the mixture and apply it for 30 minutes to the hair and scalp. Wash it off using a mild shampoo. Also, follow double-cleansing. 

For frizzy hair, you have to mix 1tbsp honey, 2tbsp plain yogurt, and 1 banana. Mash or blend the banana along with honey and yogurt. Apply it to damp hair. After you’ve sufficiently covered your hair, cover it up with a towel or shower cap. Wash it off using a mild shampoo after that. 

For damaged hair, you can apply plain mayo on damp hair and leave it on for thirty minutes before washing it off with gentle shampoo. You can also use an aloe vera mask for boosting hair growth. 

If hair loss is a serious issue for you, you can mix amla oil for women during hot oil treatment, or you can apply amla oil regularly. Amla or Indian gooseberry is known for stimulating hair growth, and you are most likely going to see results within a few weeks. 

  • Avoid heat treatments 

When you’re home, there’s no need to be too harsh with styling. If you just avoid using blow dryers, straighteners, and curlers when you are home, it will give time to your hair to recover naturally. So, make sure to dry your hair naturally and also try to style your hair naturally. 

  • Get rid of dandruff

You can anti-dandruff shampoo twice a week to keep the fungus at bay. You can also use coconut oil because coconut hair oil is known for curing dry, itchy scalp. It is also a good treatment for dandruff. It is a natural remedy for dandruff, and the best part is that everyone can use coconut oil. This oil is great for all types of hair and doesn’t irritate. You can apply it as a pre-shampoo routine, or you can apply it as a leave-in conditioner. You can also apply it overnight and wash it off the next day using a gentle shampoo. 

  • Make use of a wide-toothed comb 

If you are trying to detangle your wet hair, avoid using any other comb, but the wide-toothed one. Wet or damp hair is extremely fragile and is prone to breakage. If you try to detangle your hair by force, you are going to lose a lot of hair. So, make sure to use a wide-toothed comb and also go easy on your hair. There’s no need to tug and pull aggressively. If your hair isn’t detangling, you can apply a bit of coconut oil to smoothen it and then try again. 

  • Use hair caps when sleeping 

When you are sleeping, a lot of friction takes place between your hair and pillow. This can result in a bit of hair loss, and you may also wake up with extremely frizzy hair. To avoid that, you can wear a hair cap while sleeping so that your hair stays in place. So, these are a few of the hair care tips that you can follow at home to have healthy, strong, and shiny hair. Be diligent with your hair care routine if you want to see results. Remember that whatever routine you choose to follow, you have to be thorough and regular with it.