The Best Outfits for The Mountains in The Summer

The Best Outfits for The Mountains in The Summer

In summer do you reactivate and look for new challenges outdoors? So, we will tell you what is the safe way to dress for the mountains is. Because the mountains have it all: climbing, cycling, trail running, hiking … And, in the summer, the key is to protect yourself from high temperatures and the sun… but also from the cold.

In mountainous areas, the temperature varies depending on the altitude and meteorological factors. Although the weather seems favourable at the start, at the top it can surprise you with important changes. Thus, the “just in case” becomes a maxim when it comes to preparing yourself.

We summarize in three tips what is the safe way to dress for the mountains in summer:

  • Always bring a fleece lining and a raincoat.
  • Choose a waterproof mountain shoe.
  • Include a cap with UV protection.

“Summer activates the mood”. And protecting you from high temperatures and the sun, you can squeeze it. Albeli give you a list and instructions on what to wear in the mountains in the summer. So you only have to review what you already have in the closet or take advantage of the sales.

How to dress for the mountains: top

The list is short: a short-sleeved T-shirt and, in the backpack, a fleece and a raincoat. What do you have to consider when choosing each garment? We explained it to you.


The shirt will be in direct contact with your skin. For this reason, it must stand out for its good breathability, expelling sweat out so that the body remains dry. Avoid cotton in the composition and take advantage of the properties of synthetic fabrics, such as polyester or polyamide, which do not retain moisture and dry quickly.


The fleece lining retains the heat that your body generates and prevents the cold from penetrating. You’ll appreciate putting it on when the temperatures start to drop as you ascend.

As we mentioned before, although the weather seems favourable at the start, there may be a few degrees less at the top. We recommend that you choose a light fleece with a good level of perspiration.

Layer of rain

May the rain surprise you, but may it not ruin your journey! And for that, the raincoat. It is not heavy and will hardly take up space in your backpack. It must be waterproof, preventing water from entering as much as possible; preferably, as breathable as possible, and should also prevent the wind from penetrating.

Sun hat

Today, sun hat fabrics, including those that cover the visor, often offer high UV protection. Look at the factor number and that this protection is certified.

How to dress for the mountains: bottom

It is recommended that you wear short pants and put the long pants in the bag. It will hardly bulge and you will appreciate it when it is time to put on some more clothes…


The shorts are a cool option for walking in the mountains. They must offer you comfort, freedom of movement, quick drying, and UV protection. For this reason, when buying them, value the material,  technology, UV protection, and design. The major mountain and hiking brands have been researching and developing different technologies for years.

You will have where to choose the ones that best suit you. By the way, a tip: at least one zippered pocket will always be useful so you don’t drop anything along the way.

Long pants

As for this garment, its water repellency will provide you with comfort in case it rains or you travel through wet areas and its elasticity will allow you to move with agility in steep or rugged areas.

We recommend convertible pants. You will be surprised by its versatility thanks to the zipper with which you disassemble the leg loops. Only one but: that zipper can cause rubbing on your legs.

Technology with UV protection

Here we would like to mention that there are some dry control products. We find it relevant to tell you that its pants with a technology that transports sweat from the skin to the outside.

For this reason, they are technical garments that move moisture away from your body, prevent bad smells in clothes, and dry more quickly.

Such garments are made and treated with specific materials for ultraviolet protection, reaching a high protection factor.

The footwear for the mountain in summer

In summer you should try not to wear boots. Instead, trekking shoes that offer comfort, freedom of movement, impermeability and breathability are ideal because:

  • The flexible and cushioned sole will prevent possible overload injuries.
  • Feet will sweat less, thus avoiding painful blisters.
  • Your footprint will have freedom of movement, increasing your agility.

To choose the best footwear, get your size right, make sure they offer a good fit, and check the grip of the sole. Combine with summer socks: you will find seamless, breathable, and anti-odour options. Without a doubt, dressing for the mountains in summer has no trick… or yes: the key is to protect yourself from high temperatures, the sun, and the cold.