Prevention of Ourselves Through 10 Best Ways in Cybersecurity

Prevention of ourselves through 10 best ways in cybersecurity
Prevention of ourselves through 10 best ways in cybersecurity

Avoid publishing photos and video on Social Media

How to protect ourselves in cyberspace: Don’t take unnecessary pictures of the bathroom, bedroom, or your private time. Don’t publish photos of a private event or tag everyone in the album because if anyone’s friend’s tag settings are public, the photos will be visible to all Facebook users. Create groups on Facebook or Whatsapp and share photos.

When uploading DP, write your name on it so that others can not use it. They steal photos of women from photographers’ Facebook and Instagram pages. Prohibit them from uploading your photos at events. Only place your photos in friends’ privacy settings. Make your Instagram account private, but keep in mind for Twitter that this feature is not available there, so photos and posts are all public there.

If someone asks you for inappropriate photos or videos, understand that they are not serious with you. If a man respects a woman, he will not ask her to do so. If such content exists, it is important to know that data can be retrieved even after deleting it. Don’t chat inappropriately on a webcam. Don’t sync your photos with Google Photos and iCloud, but keep them in a password lock drive or laptop.

Social media fake accounts

If you are in public life, add family on Facebook account on social media and engage fans on the Facebook page. Be careful if someone is running a fake account on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter with your picture. In such a case, you and your family or friends should report this account to the relevant forum so they can deactivate it, and also declare from your original account you do not have another account. You can also complain to organizations such as the Cyber Crime Wing if you see someone running a fake account.

You are responsible for your own safety and the privacy of others. Lock your phone in three ways.

Make strong security:

Secure it with a numeric password, thumb biometrics, and facial recognition password so no one can access your private data. If you are getting a new phone, take out the SIM and memory card from the old phone and give it to your younger siblings or children instead of selling your old phone. Turn the phone to factory settings before doing so. Repeat this process two or three times.

Clear Storage and turnoff all online account

If you want to sell the phone, delete your data, move the phone to factory settings and delete it by logging out of Google Account or iCloud. Download videos, etc. in it again. When the memory is full, play it. Then delete and return the phone to factory settings. Repeat this process. This will probably keep your data safe. However, it is better not to sell the phones of homemakers and break them.

If you lose your phone, you can delete all the data from the Find My Device option, report to the police, they can find the phone from the IMEI number. Carefully change the passwords for all your accounts.

E-mail Account

When creating an email account on Gmail, attach it to the phone. If someone tries to open your account from somewhere else, a code will come to your phone. Don’t share that code with anyone and tell Gmail it’s not you, it’s a hacker. Also, connect Facebook and Twitter to your phone number. Write all your passwords, e-mails, their associated phones, and alternate e-mails in one place but don’t let anyone know because sometimes a person can forget e-mails and passwords themselves. Remember webcams, phones, laptops, social media they can hack accounts and WhatsApp. So don’t give your used phone and laptop to anyone.

Banking Security

Secure your e-banking too. Change the password and login bank that generates for you later. Don’t tell anyone your password or email. Change the password every few months and monitor your e-banking. In case of any unforeseen shortfall, inform the bank.

Don’t give your ATM to anyone. If you ever suspect that your card has run out of money, call the bank, suspend the card for a while and change the password. It is better to change the ATM PIN every six months. If the shopkeeper repeatedly charges your card while shopping, call the bank and ask if the double amount has not been charged. Always ask the shopkeeper for a bill. Get service from the bank to send an SMS to your phone whenever money is spent or received from your account.

Avoid extra relation

Avoid unnecessary friendships and inbox chats with people on social media. Some people are very sympathetic when they see women first and then take a screenshot of the chat and blackmail them to meet them or ask for money, in which it should seek case immediate help from the family and the police. When your laptop, tab, and phone are not in use, disconnect them from the Internet. Never leave your webcam open. Avoid sharing check-ins, G-tags, and live locations with the public. Don’t post expensive shopping photos on social media. Don’t discuss private issues with friends on social media and never meet them alone.

Devices/gadgets security

Install anti-virus in every device and never lose inappropriate web. There are some messages that click on the link. Your inappropriate pictures are here or you will get gifts. Never click on these links. These are spam, spyware, and viruses. They hack these accounts. If this happens by mistake, deactivate your account, log out shortly after, or log off the Internet. If any unknown person abuses you or sends rude messages to Inbox / DM, report it to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and block it. Don’t argue with unnecessary people in groups.


Also, be careful when shopping online. Only the pages of big brands are relatively safe. It is best to pay at the time of purchase by cash on delivery, do not use unnecessary credit cards online. Not all stores on Instagram and Facebook are trustworthy, be sure to check the reviews before purchasing. Don’t shop at this online store that demands money from you first. Turn on home printers, scanners only when in use. Enter the password at home Wi-Fi. Never open your e-mail, Facebook, and e-banking in a net cafe, any other laptop or office.