How to overcome the issues commonly faced in developing an on-demand food delivery app?

How to overcome the issues commonly faced in developing an on-demand food delivery app?
How to overcome the issues commonly faced in developing an on-demand food delivery app?

Ordering food online has become a vital part of our lifestyle, and the sector has reached its peak. The convenience, discounts, offers, and quick deliveries offered by these platforms can be credited for their popularity. The impact of on-demand food delivery apps in the current market has inspired several entrepreneurs. This article will brainstorm you with the commonly faced issues and the tech stack that goes into the UberEats clone app’s primary aspects.

Cater to the needs of your target market:

Optimizing the app to cater to the needs of your audience plays a significant role in every business. Take the users’ goals and needs into consideration and focus on it. Ensure that your app offers freshly cooked meals, groceries, curated dishes based on customers’ requests, and dairy products directly from the providers. Here is the list of scenarios people will prefer to order on food delivery apps.

  • When people don’t have time to cook at home
  • People who order food during the weekends
  • Corporate dinners
  • Student parties
  • Holidays/Events

Analyzing your competitors:

The increase in popularity of on-demand service apps and their monetary potential have attracted several entrepreneurs. Tough competition prevails in the market as a result of the potential opportunities. Competitor analysis isn’t something that should be overlooked as it provides crucial information and analytical points.

  • Location
  • Services
  • Customers
  • Pros and cons
  • Profit and loss details 

Flawless cooperation:

Entrepreneurs can seamlessly connect with restaurants and local vendors/farmers to ensure the business’s smooth running. But the choice of stakeholders can be decided based on the business model implemented by the entrepreneur. For instance, if the company is operated from a city situated beside a seashore, it would be appropriate to add fishermen to list their products. In that case, if the business is being operated in a city close to the seashore, the providers can deliver fresh seafood to their customers. As a result of this, customers can get fresh food delivered at their doorsteps on time and manage to create a zero-waste kitchen. These apps combine the immense potential of technologies and numerous benefits for smooth cooperation and healthy relationships with stakeholders. 

Drivers network:

Customers will expect orders to be delivered in the fastest possible time. Hence you must ensure that you have a well-organized drivers’ network for your business. Here is how you can prepare yourself to handle a seamless delivery network.

  • Hire part-time or full-time delivery executives
  • You can also rely on freelancers instead of regular employees.
  • Choose an ideal type of transportation to deliver the products (scooter, motorcycle, bike, truck)
  • Join hands with a third-party delivery service provider
  • Consider the climate zone, transportation facilities, and road conditions of your business’ location.
  • Focus on offering quick deliveries

Tech stack and solutions:

An ideal UberEats clone app development company will implement the functionalities and features necessary to meet the customers, delivery executives, and restaurant partners’ requirements. Here are why you should give importance to the stakeholders in the app:

  • Customers will prefer a streamlined platform that simplifies the process of ordering their necessary products. They should access the restaurant list on the platform seamlessly and ensure that the interface is developed with a minimalistic approach.
  • Ensure that your restaurant-side app is loaded with management tools like CRM and CMS systems to maximize the automation process and reduce the service providers’ burden. It can also help to reduce human resources with its computational potential.
  • The delivery executives should have access to the list of ongoing and previous orders on the app. They should also be given necessary external services like maps, navigation, etc., to make their work easier. 

UI/UX design of your app:

Your user interface will be the thing your customers will notice and so ensure you offer nothing less of a premium interface and seamless design on the app. An experienced app development team will implement human-centered design principles while developing the app. It also enables you to acquire a modern, familiar, and user-friendly interface to cater to every age group’s needs.  

Technologies that go into the backend and frontend of your UberEats clone app:

To make things easier and flexible to implement customer’s requirements, developers use Javascript on the app’s frontend and backend. Node.js is preferred by most development teams worldwide when it comes to building the backend of an app. Its advantages include the reusability of code between the server and client sides. By reducing the amount of coding that goes into the app, they are able to minimize the errors that are likely to arise during the compilation stage. 

Since it is an isomorphic app, making changes and fixing bugs is like walking on a bed of roses for your development team. The backend continually acquires the required data resources every time a user visits the app. These data can be used to effectively speed up the page loading process and improve performance as a whole. When it comes to the frontend, React is popularly known as the fastest framework in the current market. It is proven to offer the quickest page rendering speed and spectacular dynamics when it comes to the UX of an app. SocketIO will usually be chosen to provide real-time messaging on the app. Furthermore, it can also be used to send push notifications for users from time-to-time. 

In a nutshell:

Now that you have acquired basic knowledge of the different aspects and ideas for building an app like Ubereats. It is time to get in touch with a professional clone app development company to get started with your venture. From the analysis of the current market trends and economic potential, now is the perfect time to step into the market.