How to Join Multiple TXT Files into One PDF?

How to Join Multiple TXT Files into One PDF?

Do you want to join multiple TXT files into one PDF file? Are you looking for a solution that makes this task easier for you? If yes, keep reading. In this article we will walk you through 4 easy steps to merge/combine multiple text documents into one PDF file with complete data integration. Let’s get started.

The TXT document format keeps data in a simple text format that is easy to read and edit. In contrast to TXT file, PDF is the format that also keeps the content in simple text format but is not editable. When there are many small TXT files with similar content, merging them into one PDF file is the best idea for proper management and easy access to data.

How to Join Multiple TXT Files into One PDF?

There are two basic ways to merge TXT files into PDF. However, both methods are not suitable for everyone. You can follow each method below one by one.

Method 1: Using Python with reportlab

  • First of all, you need to install reportlab
  • Now, create a Python script (e.g., and use the following code:

from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

import os

def merge_to_pdf(output_pdf, *txt_files):

    pdf = canvas.Canvas(output_pdf, pagesize=letter)

    for txt_file in txt_files:

        with open(txt_file, ‘r’, encoding=’utf-8′) as txt:

            text_content =

            pdf.drawString(50, 800, text_content)


if __name__ == “__main__”:

    output_pdf = “merged_output.pdf”

    txt_files = [“file1.txt”, “file2.txt”, “file3.txt”]  # Add your file names here

    merge_to_pdf(output_pdf, *txt_files)

  • Update the txt_files list with the names of your TXT files.
  • Execute the script in your terminal or command prompt:


  • This script uses the reportlab library to create a PDF and adds the content of each TXT file as a new page.

Method 2: A Professional Tool

The above method is suitable for highly technical people. If you want an easier and smarter way to merge multiple TXT files into a single PDF file, use this best Document Joiner Software. This software is easy to use and suitable for non-technical individuals as well. It allows you to merge two other files into one operation.

With this tool, you can join text files to PDF in just 4 simple steps. We have described all the steps below, please see them.

Steps to Merge Text Files into One PDF File

  1. Download, install, and run the software on Windows.
  2. Add TXT files or folders to the software panel.
  3. Select TXT files from the list of saving options.
  4. Select a location for the output files and click Save button.

With this level of ease, you can join multiple TXT files into one PDF file. If you want to learn more about this tool and the benefits associated with it, read on.

Read More about the Professional Software

  1. This application is easy to use and can be used by all levels of users whether they are technical or non-technical.
  2. It provides you with two modes to select TXT file(s). You can select individual files or folders containing a lot of TXT files.
  3. This application allows you to open and read TXT files before merging them into a single PDF file.
  4. It has a built-in search tool to find specific content within multiple TXT files with just one click.
  5. It is completely secure and keeps data safe. You will not find any modification to your data.
  6. This TXT joiner is compatible with Windows and can be used on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and earlier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. Why should I join multiple TXT files into one PDF?

Answer: Joining multiple TXT files into one PDF can be beneficial for simplifying document management, improves readability, and provides a more professional presentation.

Question 2. What tools can I use to merge TXT files into PDF?

Answer: There are various tools available for merging TXT files into PDF. One commonly used tool is pdftk for the command line. Alternatively, you can use 4n6 document Joiner tool.

Question 3. How can I automate the process of merging TXT files into PDF?

Answer: You can use the 4n6 TXT joiner tool to automate the process. This software allows you to merge any number of TXT files into single PDF file with ease.

Question 4. Is TXT Merger Tool free to use?

Answer: Yes. This application comes with the free version. The free version is basically for testing purpose. You can use the free demo version to merge first few files.

In Conclusion

If you want to join multiple TXT files into one PDF file, read this entire article. Here we have described the two best ways to merge TXT files into PDF. You can either use a programming language like python or professional software. You can choose any of the methods based on your technical knowledge or preferences.