Common Mistakes in Product Photography and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes in Product Photography and How to Avoid Them

Are you confused after posting your product image that remaining mistakes on it? Faultless product photography is one of the effective channels of any website or e-commerce business. Keeping an online business, you need to sell your products multiple online sectors by mentioning market demand. Displaying the images in significant ways is the common subject of the product photography that drives your conversion rates.

However, can all the photographers correct the product image? No, a professional photographer pride himself/herself for converting an exact product image that he/she is perfect. Product photography is a significant and psychological thing. Without experiencing it, a professional photographer may mistake for perfecting the product images.

By this article, you’ll find some fantastic tips that throw out all your confusion and will overcome common mistakes in product photography.

Camera Setting (Common mistakes):

Although you have a high-quality camera, you would not get a perfect result without proper setting. However, some unique camera settings give your photos with rich color, brightness, and elements. The following points are essential to know in brief.

  • Capturing in a manual mode with autofocus
  • Accurate your white balance according to your light sources
  • Convert your images to SRGB

(a) Manual mode

Manual mode denotes your advantages of camera setting that exposes your product highlights. At first, you need to focus your product on your camera ‘camera’s viewfinder. The camera exposure indicator line predominates over your lighting that how much light is suitable for your work. Measure your shatter as well as f/stop depending on your meter reading through the camera. So, a camera manual mode is the primary channel for perfect photography and ensures its proper setting.

(b) White Balance

Setting -white balance will keep your color perfect, but sometime it’ll suggest for color temperature. However, the pictures with a shade of yellowish or reddish tint are seemed to be warm. On the other hand, a bluish tint is cool. White balance evaluates the shade to produce accurate colors. Exact white balance makes the product appear close to your eye and camera observes without requiring many post-production consistencies.

To be honest, that proper balance relics on the light source. Light of sunlight and standard light bulbs have warmer color temperatures, while fluorescent and LED light bulbs to change to be more relaxed. In the auto white balance mode, the camera can automatically detect the type of light source, but it can be managed. It performs any difference on the screen as well as the product. At the bottom, you can use the lighting kit with its flash setting. If you find low lighting, and the auto white balance setting will compensate you.

It is not suitable to use multiple light sources. For example, don’t mix sunlight light and studio light bulb. That can create some unexpected shadow. It is one of the common mistakes of photography.


Sometimes your product image gives different colors when you observe it between Google Chrome and Firefox or Safari. To solve this issue, you need to put your product image in exact possible to change your .jpeg files to the SRGB color profile. It is necessary to know how to use the camera manual shooting mode and the white balance setting. Additionally, how to convert photos to the SRGB color profile is that it can eliminate any difference. It gives your product images with a satisfactory result. Most of the photographers ignore this issue.

Image Composition (common mistakes):

(a) Too Much Change:

Whenever you bring a lot of changes to your image, you will find a lack of consistency that can confuse the customers, and it is one of the discredits of product images. To keep your pictures simple as well as clean, you need to change it very steadily.

(b)Busy Backgrounds:

For the distinctive look of your images, you need to take your product image clean and straightforward.  It increases brand identity. On the contrary, unwanted objects, additional backgrounds, patterns, mixed light sources can distract the audience. Eventually, they seem that it is appeared in online so quickly. So, it would help if you avoided it anymore; instead, you can use a white background, simple lighting, and color. Or you can also fix this problem in the photo editing section by remove the background from image using the pen tool.

(C) Blurry Focus:20

Try your best to avoid blurry focus. To be honest that sharper and cleared images have a great demand in the online business. But how can you fix that problem? To avoid it, you have to use a tripod. Secondly, you can use F-stop or “Aperture. The most combination is that the higher the aperture (F/2.8, F/5.6, and F/11), the sharper the details in your image can be. However, most of the lenses give the outstanding sharpness between F/5.6 and F/16, but you will need to test your particular lens to understand the optimal F-stop for your product images.

(d) Compulsive Cropping:

You can maintain a similarity between the focal length and crop of images. And it is an essential part of product photography. Whenever you want to show multiple images varying in size and direction, you may confuse to observe horizontal/vertical and large/small of an image. You tried to avoid numerous crops and sizes to show the best appearance and seamless to the customers. Even if you are not aware of the fact, most of the online shops need specific web standards; they can follow their marketing strategy for showing the product ‘product’s best quality.

(e) No Variety:

It must be avoided the number of images and the variety of angles in an illustration. On the contrary, qualified and detailed shots of a product give the customers a good influence on purchasing the goods. So you need to avoid the common mistakes; capture as many angles of your product photo as possible, but make sure to keep the focal length the same to keep up that consistent and outstanding look.

The Final Thoughts:

The product photography is one of the most significant parts of online business. Most of the early aged photographers don’t have good ideas of product photography professionally. From scratch, common mistakes may be the barrier to be a great photographer. Although these are common mistakes, they can create a harmful effect on product photography. If you maintain the perfect photography rules, you can overcome your struggle.