Which One is Most Demanding Back-End Web Framework between Laravel, NodeJS, and Django?

Which One is Most Demanding Back-End Web Framework between Laravel, NodeJS, and Django?
Which One is Most Demanding Back-End Web Framework between Laravel, NodeJS, and Django?

Developers usually use the web framework to accelerate the process of web development. It helps in creating, developing, and publishing simple to complex web apps and websites. The main purpose of the web framework is to simplify the web development process. Thus it makes the process fast and saves time. So whenever it is to hire a dedicated developers team, it is good to focus on their knowledge of frameworks. 

There are many types of frameworks but in here we will discuss about mainly three frameworks that are listed below:

  • Laravel: A PHP framework that is free and open source. Developers can use the pattern of MVC with the use of this framework in the development work. 
  • Node.JS: The JavaScript Runtime environment is used for Cross-Platform development needs. 
  • Django: This framework is Python-based that developers use to adopt a systematic approach for the web development process

Developers mostly like to incorporate the above frameworks in the development process. But have you ever thrown the light on the question of which one is the most demanding one? Well, the answer would be varying from person to person. So clear the confusion we are introducing to the comparison of all. 

Node.js vs Django vs Laravel – Which one to choose?

Django – An introduction:

It is a lightweight web framework that was introduced in the year 2005. The main pattern in this framework is Model View Template (MVT) architecture. 

To work on complex projects this framework is the most useful. For this reason, many start-up companies like to hire Django developers

Positive Points:

  • Follows a highly structured approach. 
  • Awesome community of the developers in the world to support. 
  • Good scalability 
  • The basic principles of this framework are DRY(Don’t repeat yourself) and KISS (Keep It Short & Simple)

Negative points:

  • Based on the ORM
  • There is a need for hands-on experience before going with this framework. 
  • The real-time web application is not supported in this framework.


Laravel was released after Django was introduced in the market. There is a need for a good command of PHP to work on this framework. There are many features so the developer can implement any kind of web application with this framework. From the small to big web app you can always choose this framework. 

Its positive points:

  • Its built-in blade templating engine will enable you to create an effective layout. 
  • There is security in terms of code.
  • It has a dynamic feature.
  • The command-line tool is responsible for database structure, code skeleton and migration. 
  • Instead of classic architecture, it works as per the latest MVC framework. 

Its negative point:

  • There is a little inherent brace.
  • The support is not as high as compared to another framework. 
  • It’s still in the development phase.


Node.JS is a server along with the framework which is an open-source JavaScript-based runtime environment. This plays a vital role in cross-platform application development. Node.JS includes event-driven APIs. It is the first choice among developers and the primary reason behind it is the working of Node.JS on the single thread. Most software development companies like to hire nodeJS developers.  

Its positive points:

  • It has an excellent package manager.
  • Good support in the form of a library.
  • Performance of the app development with Node.JS integration is better than others.
  • Quick and easy handling of user’s concurrent requests.

Its negative points:

  • Due to asynchronous programming, it is not easy to understand for some developers.

Some of the comparing parameters are as follows:


In the community, Node.JS has the highest stars which are more than 69,800 and 30,466 commits on the GitHub platform. Laravel has 59000+ stars and 6247 commits on the GitHub platform. On the other hand, Django has 49000+ stars and 30466 commits on the GitHub platforms.


From the performance point of view, Node.JS provides the top performance. Due to its non-blocking and asynchronous programming features the scalability is best among the three frameworks.

Laravel does not meet the requirement of a good performance. The scalability in Laravel becomes complex when you start making different versions.

Django provides the next level of scalability and developers can easily manage the workflow.

Clean Architecture:

Due to the realistic and easily understandable syntax, Laravel is the first preferred choice among the developers. It works on the MVC pattern.

The Django also works as per the Model View Template (MVT) structure that resembles the model view controller. The MVT properly sets the data inside the framework. The Node.JS work as per the event-driven programming when the whole architecture depends on the events.

Framework base:

Laravel depends on PHP and due to the open-source web application framework, it is the most used framework among web developers.

Django is another open-source framework that enables developers to write the code efficiently. It works as per the MVT (Model View Template) pattern.

Node.JS works on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine and it is open source as well. It works according to non-blocking I/O architecture and is event-driven.

Development speed:

Laravel works on PHP and it has the lowest development speed among the three. Django has a wide number of plugins that helps to boost the speed of the development process. The Node.JS works on a large number of machines, thanks to its lightweight server.


The customization in Laravel is tricky as there is a need to access the various external tools to modify anything on the website.

The customization process in Django is not an effective one so there are a lot of issues with it.

Node.JS is backed up by JavaScript and therefore it offers world-class customization choices.


At last, we would like to say that every framework has its pros and cons and for every web application there is no specific framework. Whenever it is about to hire an offshore remote developer in India and selection has to be made for framework use then the specific goal of the project must be considered.