10 Indoor Houseplants That Remove Toxins from Your Indoor Air

10 Houseplants That Remove Toxins from Your Indoor Air

The best indoor Houseplants will flourish there while purifying the air and making your home’s interior more secure.

Currently, indoor plants are more popular than ever. They are lovely. They provide us joy. Additionally, research indicates that having houseplants around can lower stress and anxiety, increase creativity and attention span, and even raise self-esteem. And if that weren’t enough, they can help purify the air and eliminate contaminants.

Many common houseplants are actually highly effective at eliminating some of the toxins that are frequently found indoors, as we now know thanks to some early studies by NASA scientists who were enthusiastic about the possibility of using plants to purify the air. Since NASA’s initial investigation, numerous people have continued to investigate how well different houseplants can purify the air.

1. Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant functions as an air purifier by eliminating dangerous contaminants from the air known as VOCs, absorbing carbon dioxide, and replenishing the air surrounding it with a lot of oxygen. Because it’s a succulent, it’s simple to care for and uses very little water.

2. Spider Plants

Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are effective air purifiers that may get rid of formaldehyde, which is a gas released by a variety of things, including cigarette smoke, dry cleaning, synthetic carpets, and nail polish. Additionally, spider plants eliminate carbon monoxide, which might be present in spaces with stoves or fireplaces. Fortunately, growing and caring for spider plants is fairly simple. It will flourish if you just keep it moist in a semi-gloomy or shady area.

3. Peace Lily

When my grandma passed away, my friends gave me this peace lily, and I’ve been observing it for the past 18 months as it continues to sprout new leaves and petals. No matter the lighting, this plant has been simple to maintain.

They can withstand drought and do well in low to medium light. You can choose whether to water it every 10 days or just wait until all the leaves are wilted. When it’s thirsty, you’ll know it.  The plant is not damaged by the strategy of “wait until it droops”! On the other hand, this plant is overwatered! Formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, and trichloroethylene can all be removed with this plant.

4. English Lvy

More than just NASA has approved the air-purifying capabilities of this vining plant.

According to WebMD, researchers presented findings from a study showing English ivy can lower the number of allergens, including airborne mould and even airborne dog faeces, at the 2005 annual meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

Additionally, a 2009 study from the University of Georgia discovered that out of the 28 plants studied, English ivy had one of the top five rates of air contaminant removal.

5. Weeping Fig

According to certain clean air studies, the weeping fig is particularly good at removing common ‘chemicals’ from the air, such as glue, nail polish, and stain removers. The plant may actually be grown both indoors and outdoors, but because of its long, glossy leaves, it makes a particularly appealing houseplant. (N.B. It’s crucial to remember that this plant has the potential to hurt animals, so we strongly advise keeping it out of reach of pets.)

6. Snake Plant 

Could they have come up with a better moniker than “snake plant” or “mother-in-law’s tongue”? Is it a relatively common indoor plant that may also be grown outdoors in places with indirect sunlight? With its upright leaves and endemicity to West Africa, it has a lot of architectural interest. Because I personally have it in multiple rooms, I can speak for how low-maintenance it is, making it a popular option for modern homes. Formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylem, and toluene are all very effectively removed from indoor air by the snake plant.

7. Heartleaf Philodendron

This philodendron has attractive heart-shaped leaves and is named after the Latin word for “love.”

In the NASA investigation, formaldehyde was eliminated from the air by heartleaf philodendrons. Another low-maintenance houseplant, this one is suitable for beginners because it will likely live if you forget to water it or set it in a dimly lit area.

8. Chrysanthemums

Mums, sometimes referred to as chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium), are a popular indoor air purifier. Moms provide color to any space, but use caution. For cats and dogs, these plants are poisonous.

These plants will assist in filtering ammonia as well as removing common pollutants.

9. Air plants

There are more than 600 species of Tillandsiaa spp., which are native to Mexico and South Africa. Studies have even demonstrated their extraordinary air-purifying powers. One of the best plants for cleansing the air is the air plant. Despite not being a very well-known plant, they are definitely worth having in the house due to their incredible abilities. You might want to have a look at the research that was done in South America when they planted an air plant next to a highway and discovered that it was absorbing a lot of roadside pollution when they cut into the plant and investigated its cells.

10. Areca Palm

One of the most well-known and beautiful palms, the Areca Palm, has golden stems and yellow-green fronds. The Golden Cane Palm, also called the Butterfly Palm, gets its name from the way its leaves curve upward along many stems to resemble butterflies. The Areca palm is quite flexible and may be cultivated indoors in a bright area or in full sun to part shade. It will add a dash of tropical and natural detail to any corner.