In this modern world, health can be easily monitored and managed by patients. A complete health checkup is one of the most important things to keep tabs on one’s health.
The check-up includes many of the tests that can understand the levels of some of the important hormones and their effect on each vital organ in the body. It also helps in establishing the levels of sugar, pressure, hemoglobin, and many other vital stats that need to be controlled and monitored by patients.
Why does one need health checkups?
Health checkups are not only important for patients who already have problems such as high sugar, high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, or any such problems. For those who do not have any problems, completing a master health check-up can help in understanding the levels of various functions.
As long as the complete health check-up reports remain normal, the patient does not have to worry. They can continue taking the tests every year until one or a few of the metrics are skewed. Only then a normal patient needs to consult a doctor.
For those who already have some of the other conditions, taking a master or complete health checkup, every year can help in understanding how well the treatments and medications they are taking are helping them out and how well they are performing post these treatments.
Types of Complete Health Package
There are many different kinds of health packages even when they are described as complete. A complete health package may or may not include some of the parameters based on the age and gender of the patient. Therefore, there are many tests that can be clubbed together based on the age, the type of problems or disorders the patient has, and the gender of the patient.
Many tests are clubbed together based on disorders that are connected with one another such as diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, kidney functions, arthritis, etc. These disorders tend to be interlinked as they have an effect on each other and therefore are clubbed together accordingly.
There are many other tests that also include gender-based tests such as a testosterone profile for men, arthritis and cardiac risk measures for men, pancreatic tests, etc are more suited for older men. On the other hand, hormone level tests for women, thyroid tests, hemoglobin, and related blood tests, metabolic tests, etc are suited more for older women.
Common Tests under Complete Health Package
Some of the common tests that are done under complete health packages are:
1. Complete Blood Counts
This includes hemoglobin, lymphocytes, RBC distribution, etc.
2. Diabetes Profile
This includes blood sugar during fasting, post food consumption, and HBA1C.
3. Thyroid Profile
Consists of T3, T4, and TSH hormone levels.
4. Arthritis Profile
Consists of various hormone tests for arthritis risk detection.
5. Cardiac Risk Factors
Consists of various heart-related tests for heart risks.
6. Kidney Function Tests
Consists of various tests to determine levels of serums, acids, uric acid, urea, nitrogen, and creatinine.
7. Liver Function Tests
Determine the protein levels, albumin levels, bilirubin counts, and overall liver function.
8. Lipid Profile Tests
Checks for cholesterol level in LDL, HDL, Triglycerides etc.
9. Vitamin Profile
Check for the level of main vitamins such as B12, Vit D, etc.
10. Pancreatic Tests
Checks for the pancreatic functions and the various hormonal functions related to the pancreas.
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