What are the common causes of secondary Infertility?

What are the common causes of secondary infertility?

Secondary Infertility is a kind of infertility that occurs after the birth of a child. On the other hand, primary infertility refers to the inability of a couple to conceive after a minimum of one year.


As a general guideline, below are some of the most prevalent reasons of female infertility:

  • Quality and number of eggs have decreased:

The amount and quality of eggs in women’s ovaries tend to diminish when their egg supply is restricted and their age increases. When a woman’s ability to conceive is hindered by poor egg quality or quantity, her age is a significant factor. The female partner’s medical history and genetic problems are also examined in situations when age has nothing to do with infertility in women.

  • Problems with the uterus

Secondary infertility in women is commonly caused by uterus problems. There are a number of conditions that might cause the uterus to be unable to support pregnancy. These include scarring from the birth or dilatation, the formation of fibroids or polyps, and the infection caused by the placenta being retained.

  • Fallopian tubes:

Fallopian tube presiding infection is another prevalent reason why women are unable to conceive. Pregnancy may be slowed down by this medication. Secondary infertility is a result of the fallopian tube becoming blocked.

  • Endometriosis:

According to research, roughly half of all women globally have endometriosis, a frequent cause of infertility. A certain kind of uterine tissue is more likely to develop outside of the uterus when this is the case.

  • Syndrome of polycystic ovaries:

PCOS is a condition in which a woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular because of a hormonal imbalance. It is possible to have an overabundance of male hormones in the body that prevents the release of a little quantity of eggs on a regular basis.

  • Changes in lifestyle:

One of the leading causes of female infertility is stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. Obesity being an epidemic is badly influencing the female reproductive system terminating them in becoming infertile.

What are the reasons for Secondary Infertility 

So, jotting down the frequent reasons of secondary infertility in males which include:

  • Removal or expansion of the prostate:

Prostate enlargement affects half of the males over the age of 50, according to the American Urological Association. Infertility is caused by a reduction in ejaculation and a decrease in sperm count as a result of this disorder. As a result, secondary infertility in males may be caused by the backflow of semen.

  • Semen of low quality:

Pregnancy risk in males is influenced by a variety of factors, including their own age. Men’s semen quality degrades rapidly beyond a certain age, notably around the age of 40. Sperm count is immediately reduced because the liquid in which the sperm are housed is known as semen.

  • Reduced levels of testosterone:

Thyroid, smallpox, vaginal infections, and many more conditions may cause testosterone levels to drop. An inability to produce sperm is caused by a deficiency in this male reproductive hormone. Reduced testosterone production is often the result of an individual’s advancing years.

  • Varicocele of the testicles:

Another common reason of male infertility is testicular varicocele, which results in decreased sperm production. An increased amount of blood flow via the veins in the testicles may cause this issue, making it difficult for the body to generate appropriate sperm levels.

Secondary infertility: when should I go to a Specialist?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) suggests seeing a fertility expert if you’ve been actively trying to conceive for up to a year or up to six months over 35 without success, regardless of whether you have primary or secondary infertility.

Several IVF Center in Patna, but which one delivers the finest therapy at the most affordable prices and the greatest success rate? Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre is ready to assist you out with our entire range of infertility treatments under one roof.

Men and women are equally responsible for infertility, therefore it’s critical that both spouses have a full fertility evaluation to discover any secondary infertility that may be present.

Secondary Infertility Treatment

Secondary infertility has the same treatment choices as initial infertility. After completing your fertility evaluation, you and your fertility specialist will discuss which treatment choice is ideal for you.

We may suggest in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy for women over 35 and/or couples who have had three or more consecutive miscarriages. There is a reduced risk of miscarriage and an increased chance of a healthy pregnancy when only chromosomally normal embryos are transferred.