Is Wall Panels cheaper than Drywall? and its Benefits

Is Wall Panels cheaper than Drywall? and its Benefits
Is Wall Panels cheaper than Drywall? and its Benefits

Construction and Infrastructure are the two pillars of the industrial and modern revolution that the world has witnessed. The advent of the various materials and techniques used in construction and in infrastructure helps in solving modern-day issues and come up with creative solutions to tackle such problems. These solutions are often suited for customer requirements such as easier installation, quicker turnaround time, weightlessness, colour preferences, uniformity, and reduction of noise and insulation abilities. Of all the options that are used for construction, dry walls and wall panels are the most preferred choices by engineers and constructors for their building requirements.

Wall Panels

Wall Panels are free size prefabricated material which perfectly covers the existing building structure and gives a uniform and finished outlay to any kind of project such as houses, buildings, workshops, complexes, etc. It is a very versatile product that can be used to cut down on the cost of redoing the walls through the entire building structure by finishing them, painting them, and maintaining them. Wall panels can easily slide on top of the existing walls and installed in a simple manner on the existing structure. It offers strength, sturdity, durability, a lightweight dress, insulation, and many other benefits when it comes to infrastructure.

Dry Wall

Dry wall is a concept that has been around for a long period of time and is most popularly used in Northern America to construct homes and commercial buildings. They are made with a wide variety of materials but mostly with Gypsum minerals and crystallised water. Interestingly enough, dry walls are mostly made of water but does not do well with water as such. It can soak all the water and swell up causing the building structural damage. But dry wall has many other benefits such as faster installation, fire protection for the building, and noise insulation in the rooms that it is used in.

Wall Panels v/s Dry Walls

Wall Panels and Dry Walls are the common competitors when it comes to wall options, especially in the west. Instead of doing up all the walls in an existing building structure, both wall panels and dry walls offer suitable solutions to cover up the building structure and provide for uniform and custom design solutions for the interior as well as the exterior of the building.

Wall panels are a more modern choice and a better option when compared to dry walls mainly due to its benefits. Wall panels are more economical than dry walls and there are considerable other benefits that place importance above dry wall.

Below are some of the ways why wall panels can be more suitable than drywall:

1. Cost Comparison

Wall panels are more economical and sturdier than dry wall as they have wire mesh inserts and supporting materials that help reinforce its strength, making it a much durable option than drywall.

2. Water Damage

Dry wall can absorb water and quickly swell causing damage to the building where as wall panels can resist water damage and corrosion due to water exposure.

3. Weight Factor

Dry wall is much heavier to handle and install than wall panels. It may require more labour and man-hours to prepare and install dry walls than wall panels which are easy to make and custom fit.

4. Sustainability

Drywalls pollute the environment and have a large carbon footprint. The knocked down units also release harmful chemicals into the ground and water whereas wall panels are recyclable.