Is Coffee Good for Health or Not?

Coffee is Good or Bad for Health
Coffee is Good or Bad for Health

Drinking three to four coffees a day reduces the risk of early death and helps prevent certain illnesses.

Long or tight, coffee is good for your health! This is revealed by a study conducted at the University of Southampton under the direction of Robin Pool, public health specialist, published Wednesday, November 22 in the journal British Medical Journal. It compiles the results of more than 200 previous studies (meta-analysis). Scientists recommend drinking three to four cups of coffee a day (except for pregnant women or people prone to fractures), to reduce the risk of diabetes, liver disease, dementia, and even the occurrence of certain cancers. We can finish it by natural home remedies.

This publication is not the first to demonstrate the beneficial influences of coffee. Over the past decade, numerous studies have confirmed the positive effects of safe coffee, among other things, the prevention of cancer or cardiovascular disease.

Live longer

Causes of death were weighted on the basis of smoking and other confounding factors. Same observation for a European study, published at the same time as the American study. By analyzing data from 520,000 participants over the age of 35 for 16 years, the researchers also conclude that consumers of about three cups of coffee a day, including decaffeinated coffee, appear to have a longer life expectancy. Then those who don’t drink it.

Head of the faculty of public health at Imperial College in London who participated in this work: “Although more research is needed, we can say that the results of this large European study confirm the conclusions previous research around the world.

Prevent cancer

Moderate consumption of coffee (3 to 4 cups per day) protects against the development of many cancers. “Overall, the effects of coffee diverge depending on cancer. In some cases, coffee has no effect, but in others, it is protective. There are no cases where coffee is an aggravating factor for the risk of developing cancer.

In a 2011 study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, for example, Harvard researchers say drinking 4 or more cups of coffee a day is linked to a 25% reduction in the risk of developing cancer. Drinking between 2 and 3 cups a day reduces this risk by 7%. Likewise, in 2013, the American Association of Gastroenterology noted that 3 cups of coffee a day halved the risk of developing liver cancer. Many other cancers have been studied in similar ways, and coffee reduces the risk of developing cancer of the breast, prostate, pancreas, skin, etc.

Reduce cardiovascular disease

“From the first cup, there is also a slight reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular problems. And this effect is proven between 3 and 5 cups per day, In a study published by the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, conducted in the United States on more than 185,000 adults, the authors found a link between greater consumption of coffee and a lower risk of death from cardio disease -vascular, such as a heart attack or cardiac arrest.

Less type II diabetes

Coffee, consumed in large quantities this time, also has benefits for type 2 diabetes. A meta-analysis published in 2014 in Diabetes Care and involving more than a million participants, concluded that “consuming 6 cups per day was associated with a reduction of a third of the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.” Depending on the metabolism of each, it is however recommended not to exceed 4 cups daily (about 400 mg of coffee per day) and even a low consumption of coffee, 2 cups per day, already reduces the risk of developing diabetes type 2.

Fight against neurodegenerative diseases

Finally, studies have shown the positive effects on diseases of aging, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. An article published in 2010, comparing the results of 26 studies, indicates that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Parkinson’s than non-drinkers. The greater the consumption, the less the symptoms (tremors, muscular rigidity, etc.) will be widespread.

Stay Healthier Note

Protection against neurodegenerative diseases is thought to be due to caffeine. Unlike protection against other pathologies, often linked to the action of antioxidants. “Very schematically, caffeine will have positive effects on all brain-related diseases (such as Alzheimer or Parkinson) and antioxidants will be beneficial for almost all other organs, especially in cases of cancer.
