Yoga Learning Guide for Beginners in 2021

Yoga: A Beginners Guide
Yoga: A Beginners Guide


Yoga is the only exercise that relaxes your mind and physical health. It relaxes your mind and strengthens the body. It is not necessary to be a yoga expert to reap its benefits. It doesn’t matter if you are overweight or fit, young or old, yoga is for everyone. In case you can not do yoga yourself but are interested in learning about it, you can take a yoga teacher training course to learn more about yoga. It is a guide that tells you all about yoga and its benefits for the body and mind. Yoga is practiced all around the world by many celebrities. So make sure to learn all about yoga!

Yoga Foundation Poses

The poses given below are the ones that will help you complete your yoga. Moving slowly and breathing as you move is the most important thing while doing yoga. If you feel out of breath, make sure to pause and catch your breath; once your breath is back to normal, then you can start again. Be in one pose for some seconds before moving on to the next pose.

Child’s Pose

Child Pose
Child Pose

You can use this pose to help you relax and increase your focus for the next pose. It stretches your back, hips, thighs, and knees gently while relaxing your spine, shoulder, and neck. Avoid this pose if you are pregnant or have an injury in your knees or ankles. Be mindful while practising this pose, and remember to take deep breaths.

Plank Pose

Plank Pose
Plank Pose

It is a prevalent exercise used for strengthening the core, shoulders, arms, and legs. Skip this exercise if you have carpal tunnel syndrome since it can be hard on your wrists. Also, skip this exercise if you have pain in your lower back.

Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-Facing Dog
Downward-Facing Dog

This exercise helps strengthen the arms, back, and shoulders and, at the same time, stretches your calves, hamstrings, and arches of your feet. It also helps to get rid of your lower back pain. However, it is not recommendable if you are pregnant or a patient with high blood pressure.

Tree Pose

Tree Pose
Tree Pose

This pose is excellent for working on your balance and posture. It strengthens your core, ankle, and spine. If you have low blood pressure, it affects your balance, so skip this pose. Focus on your breathing while doing this pose.

Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Four-Limbed Staff Pose
Four-Limbed Staff Pose

This pose is a variation of the plank, and you might want to learn this pose if you wish to learn advanced yoga. This pose strengthens your arms, wrists, and tones the abdomen. This pose is also a good one for beginners since you can add different variations to it by resting your knees on the floor. You might want to skip it if you are pregnant or have had an injury.

Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose

This pose is excellent for strengthening your back. It helps strengthen the back muscles, increases spinal flexibility, stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen. If you have arthritis or pain in your wrists, avoid this pose.

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose

This pose is excellent for strength and endurance and is practiced by many people across the world. It increases mobility in the hips and neck while strengthening the hips, chest, spine, and hamstrings. Skip this pose if you have a headache or low blood pressure.

Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose
Bridge Pose

This pose will help if you sit for the day to open up your chest. It stretches the chest, neck, and back and builds strength in the back and hamstring muscles. Avoid this pose if you have a neck injury. While doing this pose, keep your chest lifted and press your chin to your sternum.

Corpse Pose

Corpse Pose
Corpse Pose

Always do this pose at the end of your yoga session. It allows for relaxation and feels the weight of your body sinking into the mat one at a time. Some people find this pose a little complicated, so they learn more about such poses. You can try taking a yoga teacher training course.


As we all know, yoga is gaining popularity throughout the world. It is one of the fastest ways that people use to lose weight and become mindful. It not only helps in keeping your body relaxed but also your mind relaxes after doing it. The benefits of yoga are uncountable, but it improves your overall health and provides mobility in your body. The best yoga is the one which fits your requirements. Make sure that you practice it every day for ten minutes to see an improvement in your health.